Uncle Arthurʻs manaʻo on wai

Papa Makani had a special visitor.  ʻAnakala Arthur Aiu from Board of Water Supply came to share his ʻike about wai and how important this resource is.  Haumāna learned that our kūpuna understood the importance of wai, which can be seen in the evidence of language and in their actions.  Wai means freshwater and waiwai denotes value and wealth.  Practices were centered around wai: Kānāwai or law, where it was the “Law of Water.”  Water was the center of their thoughts, practices, and existence.  Mahalo to ʻAnakala Arthur for coming and spending time with us.  Haumāna will be able to apply the ʻike they learned from him as we complete our Trimester 2 projects around wai, quality of wai, and diversion of wai.

flyer of makani kona happenings